self love exercises

In our current fast-paced world taking time for self-love practices can be a challenge. By the minute we wake up the moment to we close our eyes, everything else draws our attention but ourselves. From social media, and the news on the radio to our family and friends, we are constantly distracted. What suffers is our well-being and especially self-love.

That is why this article covers 5 everyday self-love practices to cultivate a deep sense of self-love and confidence. With each practice, you will wake up in the morning with a constantly renewed sense of self-worth and positivity. So if you are in any way struggling with confidence, imposter syndrome, worth, or believing in yourself, this is for you.

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The free 45-minute discovery call conducted via video or phone call is the perfect starting point if you want to learn more about coaching.
In this personalized call, I will delve into your current circumstances, evaluating how my coaching program can offer the tailored support you seek. It’s a dedicated time to explore possibilities, assess compatibility, and pave the way for your transformative journey ahead.

1. Have a vitalizing fresh breakfast: start with fruit

One of the most overlooked ways of cultivating a sense of self-love is through food, and especially fruits and vegetables. Like everything in this world, food is energy and has a certain frequency. The more alive a food is, the better and the more processed a food is the worse it is for mood.

The problem with animal products

Animal products have a very bad energy and if eaten influence your overall state. A piece of meat for example has a very low energy because the minute the animal died it suffered and sent out stress signals through the body. This energy then stays in the meat.

Furthermore, dairy products are infiltrated by the energy of loss because for a cow to provide the milk to humans her calf needs to be taken away from her. So that energy stays in the milk which people then drink.

Without conscious awareness, these energies affect our well-being.

Self-Love Practices: nature’s natural medicine

Fresh fruit and vegetables are nature’s best resource for cultivating self-love. If in a good quality and sourced from a trusted source, they have a very high energy which then influences the body from the inside out. Almost like a Trojan horse, you can consciously use healthy foods to change your state of self-love from within.

The best way to use food as a way to shift your energy is by eating fresh fruits as your first meal of the day on an empty stomach. That way it can digest undisturbed and you can get the most out of the nutrients and energy.

2. The self-love toothpaste 

What are you doing while you brush your teeth? Are you listening to a podcast, thinking about the day ahead, or checking your body in the mirror?

The time, while you brush your teeth, can be better used as one of the self-love practices by simply starting the day with some self-affirming love statements while brushing your teeth. To do this look at yourself in the mirror and list as many things as possible that you love and appreciate about yourself. From your physical features, and accomplishments to your achievements, say them out in your mind starting with “I love..”.

3. Self love practices: dress to feel good

When it comes to self-love practices, clothes are a perfect reflection of your internal state and can on the other hand be a great way to influence mood and confidence.

I remember when I was around 14 years old I was always dressing black and hiding behind big scarves (German winter). This was a perfect reflection of how I was feeling at that time: depressed and in a state of hate toward myself.

On the other hand, I remember multiple times that I woke up in the morning feeling unwell but the minute I dressed something nicely I felt great and confident again.

For that reason, dressing can be an active way of influencing your mood. By simply looking into your closet and deciding what you wear based on how you want to feel that day, you are engaging in self-love practices. Whether you want to feel cozy and comfortable, bossy and elegant- the power is yours.

4. Get naked

In a society that is obsessed with physical appearance living up to the standards is impossible. For that reason, we learn to criticize ourselves for not living up to the expectations of our environment. That is why loving yourself without any filters, naked and natural can be one of the hardest things to practice.

To love yourself as naturally as you are, get naked in front of a mirror, and just look at yourself for a moment. Then when you are ready, start appreciating every single part of your body for its function. Love your

  • Legs for bringing you to all these beautiful places
  • Feed for caring for your weight the entire day
  • Eyes for showing you the beauty of the world
  • Nose for letting your smell roses
  • And so on.

5. Self-love exercises: Journaling

We all know how to easily write an email or send a message to a friend. But there is something about handwriting that is different. Letting words move through fingers, and expressing your current state of being can be an act of self-love.

Whenever you are unwell, you can use journaling as a method to process your emotions by writing your perspective without any filter. On the other hand, regularly engaging in journaling to express yourself or your gratitude has a lasting effect on your mental health.

Bonus: The self-love walk

Self-love exercises don’t need to be about doing something complicated. Sometimes it can just be going for a walk in nature without your phone and all by yourself. As easy as It sounds in our current world of distractions it can be quite hard to do. Just walking and paying attention to your inner world brings validation and presence to aspects that are usually overlooked.


Practicing self-love doesn’t need to be hard and time-consuming. Small little actions throughout the day can make a huge difference in how we feel about ourselves. For that reason, engaging in self-love practices can only do good.

Empower yourself to steer your life’s course, surmount challenges, and realize your goals with the impactful coaching program designed for lifelong results
Book a Free Discovery Call Today

The free 45-minute discovery call conducted via video or phone call is the perfect starting point if you want to learn more about coaching.
In this personalized call, I will delve into your current circumstances, evaluating how my coaching program can offer the tailored support you seek. It’s a dedicated time to explore possibilities, assess compatibility, and pave the way for your transformative journey ahead.

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR:

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